Save a prayer meaning
Save a prayer meaning

This has to be the most flesh he’s ever bared in a video, right? Nick tends to stay demurely bundled up, collar to cuffs, at all times. Nick, babe, you’re flashing an unprecedented amount of leg there. I’m particularly enchanted by Nick’s pants-free Slutty Huck Finn ensemble, floppy straw hat and all. They look sort of glamorous and wild, like they’re posing for an ill-conceived Lord of the Flies-inspired fashion spread. The boys hang out in the branches above an elephant lagoon. “Hey! I even put a shirt on under my jacket for you!”ĭurans in trees! Ah, now this video is really picking up steam. As soon as he sings it, she stalks off, leaving him stranded on the dance floor. His date doesn’t appear to find the lyric all that romantic, either. He’s putting her on notice that this is a one-time deal: “We’ll have a mind-blowing evening, but just FYI, don’t create an awkward moment by slipping me your phone number in the morning, because I kind of do this sort of thing a lot.” However, it’s never struck me as an especially romantic lyric.

#Save a prayer meaning full

Later, Simon dances with a leggy brunette while singing his famous lyric, “Some people call it a one-night stand, but we can call it paradise.” In the Classic Albums episode about the making of the Rio LP (which is well worth a gander, by the way-chock full of interesting trivia), the boys all pretty much go crazy praising the romantic sentiment of that line, which… huh? Mind you, I think it’s a great lyric, catchy and evocative. Mulcahy could’ve dressed a couple of production assistants in immaculate white linen suits and dropped them on the hill, and viewers would be none the wiser. My affections are illogical and capricious.) At this distance, though, it’s really impossible to tell who’s up there. As Duran Duran’s former manager Michael Berrow once put it, Nick “could be a bit of a whinger.” Because Nick is beautiful and magical, I find this endearing. I only know that’s Nick and Simon because Nick, as is his wont, happily complained up a storm in interviews about being flown to this location by helicopter. There are some astonishing aerial shots of Simon and Nick loitering around a stately hilltop structure (is it a temple? just a cool hangout carved into the top of a mountain?), surrounded by panoramic views. Yep, John is shirtless underneath his peach linen suit. John strums his guitar on the sand while ghostlike Sinhalese children frolic in the background.

save a prayer meaning

Images dissolve into each other, hazy and dreamlike it’s a lovely effect, although here it seems like Simon is lost in wistful daydreams about John, which was maybe not the intended result.

save a prayer meaning

We get a lot of gorgeous shots of boats and fishermen and frolicking children as the boys stroll on a picturesque beach. …I mean, it’s still not a good look, but I’ll give it a pass under these circumstances. Maybe Simon just stepped out of a shower, felt a bit chilly, and threw on the first covering he could find. Ah, this again: He’s shirtless under his nice suit coat, just like John in “Hungry Like the Wolf.” It looks somewhat more natural on Simon, probably because he’s indoors by himself and thus isn’t letting his nipples play peekaboo with the locals while he scampers amuck through crowded city streets. Simon loiters on a bench and sings to himself. There’s no plot, but there sure are a lot of pretty images.

save a prayer meaning

It’s a land of majestic beaches, epic sunsets, and scantily-clad pop stars! Hard to resist any of that. Duran Duran’s 1982 video for “Save a Prayer” was directed by Russell Mulcahy and shot in Sri Lanka at the same time as their videos for “ Hungry Like the Wolf” and “Lonely in Your Nightmare.” I don’t know if Sri Lanka saw an upswing in tourism after this hit the airwaves, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

Save a prayer meaning